AI concepts for newsrooms: A/B title testing for optimized readers' engagement

10 Oct 2024

A key challenge for online publishers is crafting headlines that drive traffic and boost reader engagement. To address this, our proof of concept (PoC) demonstrates an automated A/B title testing feature that leverages AI to suggest and test different article titles based on the content. This system helps journalists and editors optimize their headlines, ultimately improving click-through rates (CTR) and engagement.

Check out our other AI concepts for Newsrooms

1) Generating potential titles for testing

After the article is written and published by a journalist, the system scans the content to understand key themes, tone, and structure. It then proposes a range of title options targeting different reader responses—such as emotional appeal, curiosity, or clarity. This allows the user to test which title resonates best with the audience.

The journalist publishes the article.

The journalist accesses article teasers.

2) Creating article teasers for A/B testing

In the Article Teasers section, a default variant of the article teaser is created based on the original title and main photo. The user can then prompt the AI to generate a new title variant for the teaser, aimed at maximizing engagement.

In Article teasers, we have a default variant which was based on the title and main photo from the article. The user lets AI create a title variant of the article teaser for testing.

AI generates a new variant of article teaser. The system suggests testing variants in A/B experiments.

The user goes to Teasers Experiments.

The user is informed that the A/B test is ready to start. They can see which variants will be tested and click "start" to initiate the experiment.

3) Tracking and monitoring the results

Once the A/B test begins, the system tracks key metrics, specifically click-through rates (CTR) for each variant. The user can monitor the performance of each title variant over time to identify which version attracts the most engagement.

The selected titles are set up for testing, and the system tracks click-through rates (CTR).

After sufficient data is gathered, the user reviews the experiment results. Based on the CTR and other metrics, the user can then set the highest-performing title variant as the new default for the article teaser.

Since Variant B outperformed the original, the user selects this as the default title moving forward, effectively replacing the original headline.

Once the user has made their selection, the new title variant becomes the default version of the article teaser, reflecting the optimized choice based on real-time user data.

The benefits of AI-driven A/B title testing

  • Automated Title Suggestions: Saves time by analyzing the article's content and proposing multiple title variants automatically.

  • Improved Engagement: A/B testing allows users to find the best-performing headline, increasing the likelihood of higher click-through rates and reader engagement.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: The system’s real-time analytics provides clear insights into audience preferences, enabling informed headline optimization decisions.

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